What's your Computer's Shelf Life?

I bought a 2018 Dell XPS for $2200 that turns out to have impossible issues for audio work.

In 2012 I bought a Macbook Pro for $2000 that I couldn’t get used to at the time, but I’m trying again now that I’m abandoning Dell.

With the 2012 Mac, I’m screwed between software I love and hardware I have, requiring drivers that are not old enough or require too new of an OS. I honestly don’t want to spend another minute trying to bridge all the compatibility gaps to make this 2012 work, if there is another OS upgrade I have to make for one thing and everything else stop working.

If splurging on the modern Dell supercomputer got me an unusable pain in the ass (dropouts from latency that can’t be fixed)…
what do I really need to have a good Audio work PC these days?

I’m not comfortable with “building” a PC.
This is out of pocket, not for business.

A custom Audio PC from a specialized builder is going to be another $2500 - $3000. I’m afraid of out of the box “gaming” PCs because they might (?) overcommit to graphics performance when I really just need recording and DAW function.

Not sure what my question is really but I’m having issues :stuck_out_tongue: