Blend Wet into Dry (Send) vs Parallel Processing

Is there any way I could hope to find out a scale or something to help me transfer dB to my well known % ? :laughing:

I read a part on Routing a Plug-in to a Clip (p.290-291), but I didn’t find where they were talking about a way to consider dB as % after choosing Blend Wet into Dry (Send) or Parallel Processing. I understand that if I choose Blend Wet into Dry (Send) and then I pull down the envelope of that VST, I will be only listen to the dry signal… and if it’s at the top, it will be maximum WET. But what if it’s in the middle @ 0dB, can I consider it’s 50% DRY and 50% WET? What is happening to the ratio between DRY and WET if I choose +3dB? Do I get 55% WET and 45% DRY? Here’s the text I relate in the Operation Manual :

Clip Plug-in Routing

You can route clip plug-ins to a clip. This, in conjunction with envelopes, allows you to control
which part of the clip is processed by the plug-in.

Each clip plug-in has its independent envelope. When the envelope is all the way down, only
the dry signal is applied. When the envelope is all the way up, the processed/wet signal is at its

And again, thanks a lot for your time and have a nice day! :slight_smile: