Preference -> Auto Activate Selected Marker Track

A PLE can be activated by a key command. Not with a mouse click unless you want to control it manually within the PLE window.

Currently in bed to go to sleep, and I’m at the end of a six month TV series project so I may not find the time to write a proper instruction on how to do this but it is quite simple.

In the PLE you set the filters to marker and name and enter the name of the marker track you want to activate. Set the operational mode of PLE to select (not transform) and follow up (using a macro) with a command to activate selected marker track. Assign it all to a KC and you have a single key trigger.

It’s not hard but for People that have not yet understood how the PLE works it is a bit of a learning curve.
The PLE is the sharpest unique tool in the Steinberg toolset.

I can’t remember where but there are some really old threads about using the PLE that has really clever implementations using the PLE. Store/recall of many different things like selected events or tracks or positions etc etc etc.
It’s a powerful thing.