RE Miles Davis Fashion Question (help?)

Slightly OT

I was in the San Francisco airport (mid-90s?) at the luggage claim and I glance left and see Miles standing next to me. After quickly looking away I think to myself “Miles Davis is not standing next to you at the luggage carousal.” This is followed by several rounds of yes-he-is/no-he-isn’t. After a few stealth glances I realized it must be him - primarily because no one this side of Keith Richards would be dressed like that at the airport (and also that he looked like Miles). Then I noticed other guys in his band grabbing instrument cases off the carousal. By this time Miles had taken notice of me, even though I’d tried to be discreet, and he faded back into the shadows under the escalator. The thing that really stuck with me is he had super tiny feet and wore very expensive looking Italian shoes.

About 2-3 minutes total.

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