Tips Tricks And Workflow Goodness


In the post-production, the sound engineers do this tasks 100 times per day. Their workflow is different:

  • Add Direct Offline Process > Gain +3dB as Favourite. Assign Key Command A.
  • Add Direct Offline Process > Gain +1dB as Favourite. Assign Key Command B.
  • Add Direct Offline Process > Gain -1dB as Favourite. Assign Key Command C.
  • Add Direct Offline Process > Gain -3dB as Favourite. Assign Key Command D.

Then select the Audio Event and hit the relevant Key Command. If it’s not enough and you need to increase by +6dB, hit the A Key Command twice.

This is the fastest workflow, I have ever seen.

They use the very same approach to apply EQ settings (gain/reduce some frequencies) and other tasks.