UR22 mkII - Audio dropouts problem

It’s worth checking your USB power settings and make sure they can’t power off/suspend. Windows 10 by default will suspend in some cases. I find most of these steps are good for configuring your machine for audio work.

You basically want to set the machine to highest performance settings and also stop Windows background processes interrupting the DAW and the driver processes. Antivirus and Anti-malware can cause problems too. Worth a go. I can’t really comment too much on using it solely as something to use with YouTube though. I try to keep my audio recording machine off the internet unless I really need to.

I haven’t followed this one myself yet but Steinberg has their own help page for DAW setup on W10:

I notice they don’t recommend putting 2.0 into a 3.0 port. I have never encountered issues with this myself.

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