Feedback on an indexed Menu

If the filter shape for individual zones is being set via a script, instead of connecting to the zones’ filter shape parameter directly, you are probably have to update the values via getParameter() in your ‘General’ menu’s callback function. Or by setting the other menus to the same value as the General menu, by script.

This is just a general example approach of how it could be done.

synthZone = this.parent:findZones(true, 'yourZoneName')[1]

generalMenuItems ={
	'item 1',
	'item 2',
	'item 3',
	'item 4',

filtShapeMenu = {
	'shape 1',
	'shape 2',
	'shape 3',
	'shape 4',

function onGeneralMenu()
	local zones = this.parent:findZones(true)
	for i, zone in ipairs(zones) do
		zone:setParameter('Filter.ShapeA', GeneralMenu)
	SynthZoneFiltShape = GeneralMenu -- set your individual parameters to the 'general' shape 

function onSynthZoneFiltShape()
	synthZone:setParameter('Filter.ShapeA', SynthZoneFiltShape)

defineParameter('GeneralMenu', nil, 1, generalMenuItems, onGeneralMenu)
defineParameter('SynthZoneFiltShape', nil, 1, filtShapeMenu, onSynthZoneFiltShape)