FR: This would speed up my flow significantly: Tool presets

Thinking ahead on this, I have a couple suggestions.

I’ve suggested before to be able to separate the keypad keys from the horizontal number/symbols so that they are separate keybinds. This would be essential for these new keybinds. I’d like to have the presets on the keypad, and tools on the horizontal number/symbols.

Secondly, being able to save/store the presets - for the purpose of backing up, but also, I may want to make adjustments to the tool presets on a per project basis.

Thirdly having keycommands to ‘Set Preset’ to a slot/number. (thus also needing to be able to save the presets in total)

my setup would be something like this:
Tool Preset - Keypad 1-9
Set Tool Preset - Ctrl+Keypad 1-9

You could have keycommands for both ‘Load’ and ‘Save’ tool preset sets.

additionally, having key commands for Zoom/Visual Settings presets would be useful and users could sort of match these Visual Presets to tool Presets since they effect each other. For instance, I am editing some project extracted snare samples right now and It would be nice to be able go right to the exact same tool and view settings in two keystrokes.

So I could set Zoom/View Presets - Shift+Keypad 1-9.

And if you ever add a macro system, people could potentially combine their tool presets and view presets together (or just offer it as a combined key command Tool+View preset 1-9) which for example I could make. alt+shift+keypad 1-9. And as before you could have a ‘Set Tool+View’ preset which I’d set as ctrl+Shift+Keypad 1-9.

Maybe it’s overkill, but after having to edit a very mechanically noisey baritone rhythm sax player the other day on a no-metronome ungridded 6 minute song (I’m pretty sure this guy was using his sax buttons to keep time, loudly)… Nothing seems like overkill in my head.