FR: This would speed up my flow significantly: Tool presets

Makes sense and that might suffice

The cool thing if each had presets, is someone could make a MetaGrid control scheme or use StreamDeck with representative graphics for each preset which would just make work very seamless pressing the preset shortcuts while mousing around. Hardcore post-production editors would likely map each preset.

Being able to invert the Ratio and reset it specifically could also be handy as a shortcut.

unrelated, but another thing I’ve struggled with ARA2 integration, and this is maybe more Cubase side - accidentally pressing undo with the wrong window focused (ie Cubase) which undoes the ARA2 and erases all work - redo doesn’t bring it back. I’ve mentioned this before and I think you said ARA2 protocol does not have that kind of undo/redo capacity yet - I think then if possible, Steinberg should have a warning window when undoing ARA2 (and there can be a ‘Do Not Show Again’ preference for those that find the warning annoying)