GUI Changes - 8 vs 10

I have been using Cubase for years. Usually don’t upgrade with every cycle. I just use the version for a while and crank production out. So…I’ve made the jump from 8 to 10.5. Been using 10 the past few months. When I’m really under the gun to crank out recordings, I drop back to ver 8. Otherwise, I use 10.

Maybe I need to give ver 10 more time, but the GUI of 8 seems so much more polished and professional. I’m hoping 10’s GUI grows on me. Thoughts?


I’m on Cubase 10, not 10.5, so I don’t know if there is anything newer. I made the switch from 8 to 10, and it took me a bit to get used to the way the windows work. But then I watched an intro tutorial video, and I started to see what they did and how it could be used. I think it was “Born to Produce” on YouTube. The basic window now has subsections that you can show or not show - left side being the inspector, top section being the track window, bottom section being the mixer (or it could be an editor - there are tabs), and the right side being a media panel. So for people who are making music from samples or virtual instruments, you can drag samples into the track window and automatically make a track. I think that’s the whole idea.

But meanwhile, my old templates still work fine – for orchestral recordings, for example, I have a screen where there are separate windows for the tracks, mixer, and edit window arranged to fit so all are visible, and I also use the inspector, but I don’t use the media panel. So when I’m working in this mode, I feel pretty much like I’m in 8. I import audio files from my digital recorders into tracks, and go from there. But when I’m doing some original stuff, including my own guitar and some virtual instruments, I’m using the new single window, and I’m getting quite used to it.

There were changes made in Version 10 that I didn’t and still don’t like in comparison to Cubase Pro 8, 9 and 9.5. There was a lot of talk it in the forums. I think the next versions may take some of that into account. That said, I find Version 10 to be better than Pro 8, which itself was, and is, a great DAW in its own right. Maybe recording in Pro 8 and then editing and mixing in Pro 10 is a good way to migrate?

Actually, I went directly from 6.5.5 to 10.0.20 last june. I did have 7.0.x but the thing was absolutely unreliable, and I was hating the clumsy new MixConsole at this time, to the point where I took a Reaper licence and tried to do something usable with it during more than five years. A bad move that I still regret : life is short…

So, C10 was nearly another world, for me. I actually like the way the windows are designed and working (among others, no more ‘Maximize’ issue - yay !). It’s not perfect, though, and I recently made a feature request concerning the arrangement view. And I might do another one, concerning the fonts management in the MixConsole, this time, which is getting on my nerves each time I’m trying to use the ‘Gain’ control of a strip, but well… Overall, I must say that I’m rather pleased with C10.0.xx GUI.