Glowing Review in Tape-Op Magazine.

Guys… Even though official tutorials are coming (yes I know it’s been delayed, that’s frustrating to me too, but it’s for the best in the long term), I’m not sure I understand why you’re waiting for those ones specifically. As lovegames mentionned, there are already videos out there, and I even provided one I created recently in this very thread with a couple real examples : Introduction to SpectraLayers - YouTube - have you watched it ? It’s only 9 minutes long and covers most of the basic concepts, settings and tools using 4/5 examples.
Also check the links posted by lovegame.

To comment on the Tape Op review, it highlights (though briefly) what’s unique with SL : it’s a full-featured spectral editor, as Photoshop is to picture editing - while RX is more focused on automated processes rather than actual spectral editing. So yes, it indeed has a steep learning curve. But when you start to get it, by experiencing different tools over your spectrogram depending on the problem you want to fix or the ideas you’d like to explore, it really gives you full control over your audio recording.