Tips Tricks And Workflow Goodness

Creating cycle markers from the Arranger track (for navigation and to export loops)

I often mark out a song using the arranger track first (as it’s easier to see from across the studio whilst I’m playing an instrument) but I use the Marker track window when I’m mixing, so I can navigate quickly between sections, or during export for specific cycle marker sections.

It’s done on a macro (not completely elegant though it does save a lot of key presses) which creates one cycle marker per arranger segment, then moves to the next arranger segment with one key press - so you have to press the key you bind to the macro multiple times (once for each arranger segment), but it’s better than the alternative (select arranger block, press p, press “insert cycle marker” and repeat).

So, the macro looks like this:
arranger to cycle markers screenshot.JPG
Make sure you are on the Arranger track or it will just create cycle markers for the events of the track you’re on!
There’s probably some elegant way of integrating the macro into the Project Logical editor to make it more robust but this works for me for now.

There isn’t a way to do this in reverse (ie create the arranger track from markers) within a macro as there is no “create arranger block” in the command list, unfortunately!

Hope that helps!
