How to post a CC event?

Hi Brian,

You can use runSync to get around this.

It should let you create and post events from macro page.

-- A Global pointing to our "CC Mapper" MidiModule to be used throughout the script
theMap = this.parent:getMidiModule("CC Mapper")

-- Some visual feedback for the macro to display the value of what ever controller is set to do vibrato in a text field.
defineParameter("Vibrato", nil, 0, 0, 127, 1)

-- Track a parameter that can be updated via macro page control (knob) which is ultimately tied to a mod matrix.  
defineParameter("setVibrato", nil, 0, 0, 127, 1, function() postVib() end)

function postNewControllerEvent()

-- Post the "setVibrato" parameter value as a valid CC event to the engine if it changes.
function postVib()
    mapper = theMap:getParameter("CC131.Source")
    newEvent = Event(EventType.controller) -- make this global variable
    newEvent.controller = mapper
    newEvent.value = setVibrato
    print(newEvent) --Added just for testing purposes to make sure the newEvent is actually being generated properly.
    runSync(postNewControllerEvent, 1)

-- What the script does with any controller events it processes.
function onController(event)
  mapper = theMap:getParameter("CC131.Source")
  if event.controller == mapper then
    Vibrato = event.value

Or another way, using controlChange() instead of creating and posting new events. Should do the same thing and it’s a bit shorter.

-- A Global pointing to our "CC Mapper" MidiModule to be used throughout the script
theMap = this.parent:getMidiModule("CC Mapper")

-- Some visual feedback for the macro to display the value of what ever controller is set to do vibrato in a text field.
defineParameter("Vibrato", nil, 0, 0, 127, 1)

-- Track a parameter that can be updated via macro page control (knob) which is ultimately tied to a mod matrix.  
defineParameter("setVibrato", nil, 0, 0, 127, 1, function() postVib() end)

function postNewControllerEvent()
  controlChange(mapper, setVibrato)

-- Post the "setVibrato" parameter value as a valid CC event to the engine if it changes.
function postVib()
    mapper = theMap:getParameter("CC131.Source")    
    runSync(postNewControllerEvent, 1)

-- What the script does with any controller events it processes.
function onController(event)
  mapper = theMap:getParameter("CC131.Source")
  if event.controller == mapper then
    Vibrato = event.value

I’m not sure I completely understand what you’re trying to do but the error message was gone when using runSync.