I think you’re misreading what’s required.

  • Create a new project
  • Create an audio track
  • Set audio track to -10dB FS
  • Create a VCA which is connected to that audio track (VCA @ 0, audio track still @ -10)
  • Draw some automation on the VCA channel which goes from 0 to -oo (e.g. a few bars into the project)
  • Position the cursor on the VCA automation which is @ -oo and save the project
  • Close the project
  • Re-open the project
  • Position the cursor at the front of the project

→ Expected: Audio track would be @ -10dB FS at the front of the session with the VCA @ 0
→ Action: Audio track is now @ 0dB FS with the VCA @ 0

Super easy to reproduce here.