Tracks created in Transit Go not copied to Cubase

Hallo Michael,

Thank you again for your patience, but the story becomes crazier all the time…
I carefully repeated your steps and at step number 7 I see the project (on my PC) but not Track 1.
At step 8 Track 1 is not added to my PC-project.
I continue:
9. Create audio track on PC (Track 2) and record something.
10. Sync and log out from VST
11. Log in on iPad and find the original project and sync.
12. Only Track 2 is now in the arranger window. (So Track 1 disappeared in the process; not strange because it was not present in the PC project)
13. I create an audio track (it is called Track 5 - why?) and record something
14. Sync and log out
15 On PC log in to VST and I see the project, now with two tracks: Track 2 and Track 5
16 I Sync and Track 2 was already in my window and stays there but Track 5 is not added to the arranger window.

Userid = karelburo and project = mytest (Track 2 is actually called mic)

There must be something wrong in my registration in the cloud?
I hope that this report helps.
Regards and thanks,