SmartAV Tango - Nuendo - Windows-10

I’ve just updated to the latest version of Windows-10 (1903) and am happy to report that the FLS limit increase in the update means that all of the Tango devices can once again be installed in Nuendo; and more plugins can be loaded too. Well done Microsoft!

With regard to the issue of plugin editing on the Tango (broken by Steinberg with the introduction of 16 Insert slots in N8.2), I don’t know whether or not there will be a fix for this in an N10 update. I have been communicating with Timo Wildenhain about the problem and hope that a solution can be found, but have no information about it.

In the meantime, my solution has been to update Nuendo to N8.1.10, which is the last version released before N8.2, so the Tango can still edit plugins in all 8 Insert slots available to it (8 Inserts have always been more than enough for me). If I’m ever tempted to update to N10 and beyond and no fix for the Insert edit issue is implemented, I could still retro-load a project into N8.1.10 if I needed to do a lot of Insert editing on the Tango.