Add Key Commands to control Window focus (Metagrid users you want this)

Firstly I should say I am new to AHK and very much a novice. Focusing on a window often uses the WinActivate command, though there are other ways. This simple example uses a Cubase key command assigned to _Shift Ctrl _ to “Show all tracks with data”. The streamdeck button sends the pc a command of the windows key and backslash, which has been programmed in AHK to focus on a window with “Cubase Pro Project” in the title and then sends that key command.

Streamdeck (& AHK) can utilise the Windows key, which Cubase cannot. So far I have Streamdeck keys that can toggle focus on Project, Mixer and Key Editor windows, toggle in the VEPro window over the top of cubase and minimize it again, and a master shutdown key that closes Cubase, Vepro and shuts down my machine. This in addition to standard key commands.

; Put focus on Project Window and Show Data
#:: ;Win backslash
WinActivate, Cubase Pro Project
Send +^\ ; Cubase key command