HALion 6 - Getting Started Videos

Hi Matthias,

I would love to see a step by step tutorial on how to actually use MegaTrig. It seems like such a powerful component, but the manual barely just describes the function of the parameters but has zero information on how to actually put them to use. Where do I put the MegaTrig? Do I need one for each layer? How does one set such a thing up, how do I define which layers are affected and which are not - and - given the nature of the topic, don’t stop at just the most basic level. Not having proper documentation for such a powerful tool is so unfortunate, such a waste!
Like, say - if I have a “normal” layer, and a bunch of layers that hold articulations. How do I switch between them if I play Legato? If I use keyswitches? If I hold down the sustain-pedal? What else can I do, that I might not have thought of?
My own experiments have gotten me to the point where, eg. with the Legato thing, it switches the layers allright - but it still plays both layers, where the idea would obviously be that when I play staccato I don’t want to still hear legato at the same time, nor do I want to hear any of the other articulations. It has to be exclusive. On the other hand, if it’s more about synthetic sounds maybe I do want to add the layer to the original sound. There are a ton of possible uses here - and none of them are obvious, and yet there seems to be no information on how to use any of it.