online training videos on specific Nuendo features ?


The way I look at audio post is that major motion picture productions are the “best” audio post productions out there. They’re productions where each type of audio is as meticulously crafted as possible.

From there it’s a gradual transition to the least ‘good’ production which would probably be some video editor just doing everything in their editing software.

So in the middle you’ll find a lot of content where the budget isn’t there to do a film level job, and it isn’t really necessary either. But by learning how things are done “properly” in the biggest and best of productions you’ll more easily understand and execute what needs to be done for ‘lesser’ ones. For example; I know several people know how to cut dialog/production sound for film but adapt that for some TV - especially reality, lifestyle, sports etc. But you kind’a need to know how to do the job ‘properly’ to do the job differently but more efficiently, or faster.