Cubase 9.0.40 maintenance update

Each free update for Cubase 9.5. I never said that Cubase 9.5 was free. Please read more carefully.

Cubase 9.5 is 50 bucks, not 100.

This has been discussed to death already. It’s very unlikely that Microsoft will do anything about the plugin limit just because of DAWs.

Increasing the number of plugins that can be loaded requires changes to basically every single component in Cubase. That’s why they’re rolling it out slowly with each 9.5 update to make sure that nothing is broken in the process. It’s not practical to make these changes to Cubase 9 too, because there’s a big risk that it would become completely unstable.

UAD plugins work fine in any version of Cubase 9 or 9.5, you just have to use a reasonable number of completely different plugins. You can use the UAD 1176 in every track if you want, but if you use a different compressor and EQ in every track, you’re going to hit the .dll limit. It’s also bad mixing practice. :confused: