Adressing Quick Controls

Ok I’m back again. So this has taken me hours and still no luck. I’m not sure if I should be using the macro script for this. The developer manual is super vague when it comes to macro script stuff and the example file they give don’t even have macro scripts. To top it off I checked out the macro scripts in the libraries that come with Halion and for the most part I can’t seem to see what the purpose of them are. They seem to be doing things all possible without the macro script. I wanted to create an animation that tied into the same parameter but I wanted it to update every 33 increments. I was thinking that using “getParameter” would allow me to read the parameter after I already set it but that didn’t work.


function onSControl1DisplayChange()
  Layer:getParameter(131075, SControl1)

defineParameter("SControl1", "SControl1", 0, 0, 100, 1, onSControl1DisplayChange)

So I went to the Macro script thinking maybe since it’s basically just a display that I may need to use the macro script so I edited the code and still couldn’t get it to work. Truth be told I don’t even understand how I am supposed to be address objects from the macro script because the wording of the element page is confusing to me. I don’t understand how I should be addressing anything with “getElement”. Is it “getElement(Layer:Engine)”? I don’t get it. How exactly can I create a display tied to the same parameter that I set earlier?