multiple parameters from one control

If I used a macro, I just got a generic 0 - 100 value, but I wanted the user to be able to see the delay time when time was selected or the sync value when tempo sync was activated. This can only happen if the control is directly linked to the parameter itself, at least as far as I could figure out. That’s why the using stacks was a better solution for what I was trying to do in this particular case.

Yea, I totally agree with you there. It is a pitty that the format can’t be set. Marco’s way is quite good though. Curves are a little harder to achieve, I really had to dig out the mathbook from school. The example below is a little bit embarassing, as I did trial and error to get it to work. But the parameter now moves in a nice curve.

zoneIAmWorkingWIth:setParameterNormalized(“Filter.MorphY”, (2 - (math.sinh(sampleFilter * 2.32))))

If anybody knows why I need that 2 - offset value?