Issue forum streamlined

I understand the motivation to do just that, given what was posted by a Steinberg mod/employee, and the recent “streamlined” state of the Bug List.

That flags a (presumably?) unforeseen consequence of such a “streamlining” - less user-to-user interaction (no more great explanatory vids by djw and the others), including less user-to-user teaching. That is undesirable, I think all would agree, especially in a forum where Steinberg likes to emphasize that it is a (paraphrasing) “user-directed forum … technical assistance here by Steinberg employees/mods is given at their kind pleasure, and is by no means mandated or to be expected”.

That is the impression I have gotten over the past months and years. If I paraphrased that above so as to misrepresent Steinberg’s position on their categorization of the forum, I do sincerely apologize.

I do ask that Steinberg review their involvement in the forum, and consider assigning employees to help out. There are many other music vendor sites that do that, and it really is a very nice thing. Who knows, maybe with some more interaction, there may even be some more great ideas presented by users that Steinberg can incorporate into their next great update!
