Out now: HALion 6 and HALion Sonic 3

…or back in the day of the IBM PC/AT, when engineers at IBM had to introduce a horrible patch into the keyboard controller and mother board to disable the A20 address line, because people insisted on horribly written real mode software which used a “performance trick” (one for which every developer today would get fired, btw…) to access the keyboard buffer (address overflow actually)

…or back in the day of 80386, when we, in spite of having 32 bit addressing, still had to fight with conventional memory and upper memory blocks, because people insisted on MS-DOS software, instead of switching to a proper operating system

…or for more than a decade after the comprehensive introduction of 64 bit capable x86 CPUs, when software companies had to either cripple their software capabilities or support two executables per release, because people insisted on using outdated technology

This will never cease to amaze me. The past is the past, now is now. Windows 10 (especially now with the game mode, which sounds very interesting to us DAW users), 64 bit is the way to go. And I applaud each and every software company which leads the way forward by abandoning legacy platforms, be it 32 bits or everything before Windows 8.

We also don’t have CGA cards, parallel printer ports and RS232 ports anymore - and I guess we’re all quite happy about that.

(And yes, I built myself an 8 bit resistor based DAC for the parallel port once, when I was a kid. :laughing: )