stereo-mono switch for tracks

Hey Guys, I made a youtube video to try and further help this suggestion.

Steinberg Cubase Pro 8.5 - Implement better MONO Handling functionality into Cubase

The video is a little long and could be confusing for some, so please excercise a little patience and focus, would be appreciated.

So basically this video is highlighting 2 different Mono handling functionality implementations:

(1) The importance of having a “Split Left and Right Channels” menu option within Cubase. (Preferably the Audio and or Process menus)
(2) Adding a “Split Left and Right” Channels function in the Audio Pool Converter.
(3) Having the option to choose specifically the Left or Right Channel for Group Mono Tracks.

(4) Also the idea for a Stereo/Mono Track switch as suggested in this thread, but is not demonstrated in my video.

All ideas to be considered…

The 3rd option I forgot to mention in the video until after I made the video lol. The idea behind option #3 is outlining the importance of having the ability while recording live into Cubase to strictly select and record either the Left or Right Channels from a Stereo Source with a Group Mono Track.
Adding the Split Left and Right Channels menu options only caters for Stereo files that have already been imported into the project and would like to be converted to seperate Left and Right Channel Mono files further on in the project.
Having this additional Menu and Audio Pool functionality would reduce the process of having to “Export Audio Mixdown → Audio Engine Output → Split Channels + L/R Channels” and then Re-import these split files back into your project if you forgot to do so the first time round with the “On Import Audio Files” settings dialogue, and also for any newly recorded Stereo Tracks that “only” have the option of Exporting and Re-importing.

Also I am willing to accept that I may not have my demonstration routing configuration setup correctly to achieve what I was wanting to do. I did not create a test condition for using a Group Stereo Track and testing the Group Track 100% Hard Right panning and Stereo / Mono Audio Track 100% Hard Right panning and additional tests with the Mix6to2 plugin to see if I could record seperate Left and Right Channels. Please feel free to correct any of my mistakes and inform me of the proper procedure steps of how to specifically record “Left and Right Channels” would be greatly appreciated, however I still feel that my ideas are worth taking into consideration as this recording routing method is simply cumbersome.

Im not a Einstein or a programmer or anything, ive been to audio schools multiple times, been dabling with electronic music producing since 2002 and am just a electronic producer dude who likes recording and processing many wacky sounds. Im just highlighting things that I experience with my workflow and I am offering suggestions that seem very important to me and general workflow within Cubase. I may not neccessarily always be right…but I would like to be taken seriously…

Lastly There is no official Operation Manual documentation or examples describing how to specifically record a “Left or Right” channel from a Stereo source using the Group Track record method or the Output Bus setup method.
This is one of those things that if you were shown once to do properly you would probably be ok from then on, but in general it seems really cumbersome and clunky and hard for the general synthesizer dude to “invision” the configuration properly.

I feel that some of these suggestions would be great alternative to have available in the DAW environment.

Hope you understand a little bit of this atleast lol
