Suddenly Cubase saves project with a number before .cpr

Hi Prock,

I deleted the contents of the preference folder as described in the other topic. But to no avail. The issue still persists…
Hopefully someone will come with a solution soon. I would have remembered if I changed any settings.
The only thing I recently changed is my Project folder from an external drive to an internal drive because that’s where my DropBox folder is located.
I save the projects directly to a Project folder in my DropBox folder, but I’ve done so before and I didn’t have the issue. Maybe it has something to do with the Project folder and where it’s located.
I used to save projects directly to the Project folder in my DropBox folder, then for a while I saved the projects on my external harddrive in a copy of the Project folder, then I reverted to saving my projects in DropBox and that’s when this issue first started…

Maybe this will make you remember.

Hopefully it does…