Audio Hardware Setup! Now it's there, now it's not!

I don’t know about you and jmartin225, but bought a professional software/hardware package for the purpose of making and recording music. If I wanted a third rate computer game, I would have bought one.

Perhaps I was a bit unclear. I never said that DM couldn’t be turned on or off. Have you ever recorded a vocalist who is content with having his/her voice dry, in the headphones? I haven’t! Having access to setting up the MR816’s internal reverb is vital to getting a good vocal performance. Therefore I claim that DM monitoring is useless when this access is denied.

Anyway, I have narrowed down the cause of the problem to that it happens when Cubase is quit in the “wrong” way. This can be after a “Force Quit” or a crash. A couple of days ago I had Cubase “Unexpectedly Quit” during the shut down sequence (not an uncommon occurrence). When I relaunched Cubase, guess what! The hardware options were gone. Why is this happening to the hardware options, only? The audio interface works and I see no other feature, in Cubase, disappearing.

Forgive my nagging, but this thread clearly indicate that this is something thar Steinerg needs to look into (if the Pro claimes is to be believed). Playing third-rate computer games, in the hope of maybe get things working, is not an acceptable option!