Metronome (Click Track), any news?

This is a relatively ancient thread now, but I’ve seen this request in many places as I’ve searched.

I would love a click plugin that had rhythmic options, time signatures, and a variety of sounds to chose from and dial in. It would be nice to have it as a plug in so, as said above, it was easy to automate. I’m creating my own clicks with bells and shakers and can use superior drummer, but it would be so much nicer to just have a dedicated click track plug-in that was a little more customizable than Logic or Protools versions.

Even from a business standpoint, I think Cubase could do really well picking up all us recent Protools migrants with a few simple add ons and tweaks that I don’t think would really shake up the long time Cubase users. I’m loving Cubase, it’s been super creative and powerful, I just think there are a couple things they could improve on the editing side of things.