Three Part Harmonies. How?

Another way I have improved my results is to offset each harmony track timing by 20 to 100 milliseconds from the main vocal since real harmonies are never exactly in time. (in the Inspector under the volume and panning sliders). Also, If I sing just one harmony within my range live then use Create Harmony on that I get a slightly different inflection to help represent a different voice and help create the effect of two different singers. When one of my harmony lines sound too synthisized I just scrap it. I have used pitch shift to alter sections by a few cents to make my voice sound less similar. Pitch correct can also provide a slight change in inflection. All of this is time consuming but for me it has been rewarding. Under Chords, in the inspector where you choose to follow or not follow the chord track you can alter what results you get. For some processes I turn off Follow Chord Track, select all the vocal tracks and open them in the editor, open the variaudio balloon, choose Pitch and Warp, then build my chords. Very cool.