[ISSUE] VCA ___ (controls other than level)

The Nuendo implementation is supposedly lacking features, so until those features show up it’s really like comparing apples with oranges. I do agree that “linking” is better separated from VCA functionality though.

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand what the above means.

You wrote:

“What I don’t want, is the ability to record arm all tracks from a VCA fader/group with a single button.
I don’t want to let all tracks in a VCA group be selected when clicking a single track.”

The two above are connected in Cubase (if I understand it correctly) because the VCAs are connected via “linked channels”. That’s not supposed to happen in Nuendo 7 because that’s not how VCAs connect to faders. So IN NUENDO those two things are entirely separate issues.

See the difference now and why I’m saying that adding solo/mute/rec/input monitoring etc doesn’t matter to you if you don’t want to use it? It’s because if you were to add that in Nuendo, since it doesn’t create an actual “link-group”, it wouldn’t create the situation you’re talking about not wanting.