[ISSUE] VCA ___ (controls other than level)

I’m talking about the technical aspect of it, not the practical one. What I am proposing has absolutely nothing to do with linking, and I made that clear. “Linking” tracks to perform solo/mute/rec is no more “linking” than is adjusting levels. It’d all work the same way, which is the way it works practically in PT, which is that the tracks that belong to the VCA respond in tandem to the controls activated on the VCA - BUT - you still have individual control of the tracks.

Was that not clear? How is the above “linking tracks”?

Why is it a problem to perform level changes by linking faders the old fashioned way? Your question makes no sense. The whole point of using VCAs is increased convenience. Why is this any different than level? You could link all your gunshot sound effects tracks and they’d live next to your gun handling foley tracks living next to your other foley tracks and to the left of the gunshot tracks you have the impact tracks and the… you get the picture… very wide project with many tracks… and then you can ask the question: “Why is it a problem to do exactly that by linking faders/tracks”? and the answer is “Because the entire project is very wide and it’s inconvenient to change the level (or solo or mute) like that”. Same thing applies to changing rec status.

As to your second point, I don’t understand it. If you’re on a stage and you want to record enable your stems to punch in a fix is that not “final mixing”? Seems like meaningless splitting of hairs to me.

Ok, fine. As I already said: If included, nobody that ever uses Nuendo has to push the button. It can just sit there, completely unusued - like it is in the video of Nuendo 7 VCA functionality btw. So what are the “pro” / “con” in this case in your opinion?

About copying functions from another DAW and vision: Sometimes people here sound like they don’t want to “copy” from other DAWs because Nuendo has to be special. But what’s the point? More people use PT in post than use Nuendo. Regardless of whether it’s about growing market share or just getting more engineers - or - just making an app better, why is “copying” even an issue worth bringing up?

If there’s a “vision” I’m missing here then why don’t someone tell us what it is so we know.

A lot of what Nuendo does is very very far from KISS when compared to other apps. I don’t have a problem with it because it’s worth-while trade-off as long as stuff works properly.