CD-Text Album Genre

Looking at CD Text in DDPs made in Wavelab and Reaper, and CD Text on major label commercial CD releases (where they generally do the CD Text themselves), it seems like there are two ways the Genre is generally done. GenreCode 0 (un-used), as done by Wavelab and Sony Music, and no Genre key at all, as done by Universal and Warner. The one thing they have in common is that they all apparently never code a real Genre in CD Text.

I’m guessing Triumph is using no Genre key at all to appear without Genre column in Hofa, because that’s what I get in Hofa when I do the same with Reaper DDP using no Genre key (no Genre column in Hofa). Reaper is entirely manual (and therefore difficult), but it can be done with Genre key or not.

But it seems like both methods are valid and widely used, so should both be accommodated by the Hofa player IMO, as they both appear to be accommodated by the Sonoris player.

These are the tools I used: