Tips Tricks And Workflow Goodness

cheers for the overwhelming support, to this day i keep getting requests regarding this script.

the issue is, i haven’t upgraded since c7.5, and all my coordinates are ah hoc, specific to my screen resolution, and to the version of cubase / nuendo i am using.

my mastering work ( has had me so busy in the recent months and years i haven’t since justified taking a couple weeks off to truly explore a new version of cubase.

and, frankly, i have been a tad dissappointed with steinberg so i never upgraded (and hence never updated the script for newer cubases), but i have been working with v10 in one of our external studios and may indeed take the leap and upgrade soon…

it’s just a little disappointing seeing all the new half-baked features piling on top of already half-baked features. has the macro system, buggy since 10+ years what with keycommands executing before the previous action had finished, been resolved btw.?