Are you guys worried about losing rights to online music...

With todays’ technology the situation has changed, thus age is not so much a factor.

Take all the “has beens” going out now with remakes of their old songs (not even attempting to re-write them). Eventually the public will get sick of both computer generated music and soundscapes, or else songs of the past and there will be a void to be filled, so why not encourage people I say.

Some of the best songs have come from movies anyway, so it’s up to individuals to break the mold and create anew and whichever way we look at it, contemporary music has it’s roots in early classical, therefore at least 400 years has passed since the great composers started making music for the masses.

Mary Antoinettes’ theater still stands as a testament to those times and of course the music scores, not to mention painters, sculpters, architects and anyone else who defined europe as we still know it today.

British and American influence is a relatively new phenomena in the big scheme of things, so what will come next who can know.

With the Internet it is now possible to collaborate online with people from around the world using a program called Digital Musician Network. Although a fairly basic application, as more features are added it will expand and world music will become the norm in the truest sense of the meaning.