Ju, VCAs are very useful when tweaking large projects both faders and sends (if included in the VCA concept). You can control tracks without mixing them.
In a score mix I would use the following VCAs just for strings: decca, close, wide, ambient. Could I do that using groups, yes, but I don’t want them in different groups, I want it all assigned to one string group not multiple.

In a post mix I can have specific control of various type tracks regardless of what group or bus they are routed to. I can still control any fader individually at the same time as I can control the overall level of the VCA controlled signals.

VCAs add another layer of control and flexibility that can not be achieved easily using other methods.
I have used many “real” consoles over the years as well as PT (but prefer Nuendo) and in general VCAs are the most underused and misunderstood tools there is. Just like the PLE in Nuendo is.
I loved the VCA implementation in our old neve Capricorn console.