How to send External DAW sounds to different outputs

Yesterday I was doing some tracking in Cubase 7 and in some point I was in the need to send some music played in winamp to one of the cue mixes (outputs 2-3).

But I wasn’t able to find how to do this. With my old card (an EMU 1820M) I just insert and “send” in the “main” strip and that was all. But I can’t find how to do this in the UR824 (with Cubase 7 running)

Any ideas?

I’m still trying to do this without success :frowning:

No nobody have any idea?

To answer your question, the simplest thing I would do is import the audio file onto a track in Cubase. Then route it to the Cue mix.

If you are looking for a way to stream audio playing in WIMAMP directly into the Cubase mixer , and then to your CUE MIX, Cubase won’t work this way.

Yeah, sometimes I need to make an example or let the music hear an example of style o something, so I don’t need the song inside my projecto.

So I can’t do this with the UR824? This is kind of important for my workflow :frowning: I did this all the time with the EMU1820M