Quick controls - any way to assign the modwheel?

Looking for some way to control the quick control slider with the modwheel. To keep this simple:

Open an instance of Kontakt, route a MIDI ch to it
Quick controls > volume
The quick control slider now controls the Kontakt intsrument’s volume slider

Now I seek a way to assign the modwheel to that quick control slider. Yes, I am aware of how to control Kontakt’s volume slider with the modwheel via assignment within Kontakt, but am not looking to do it that way. Not all synths have the same functionality as Kontakt; I was just using Kontakt as an example here.

Any way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

As long as the wheel transmits MIDI you could do it via Generic Remote.

I have a generic kbd which does transmit MIDI via the modwheel, but it doesn’t move the quick control slider.

I have added the kbd via the device manager, but am stuck there. Am trying to follow along with the manual, but it isnt making sense to me. :confused:

Why can’t you select Volume in QC and L for learn and assign it that way?

L for learn? L is assigned to ‘link channels’ here. A search for ‘learn’ yielded nothing.

:unamused: :laughing:

Oh that. Yeah - tried that - doesnt do anything.

Then you did something wrong. :confused:

That being?

Tell me what you did and I’ll tell you where you screwed up. :wink:

Open an instance of Kontakt, route a MIDI ch to it
Quick controls > volume
The quick control slider now controls the Kontakt intsrument’s volume slider
Pressed ‘L’ it becomes active
Moved modwheel - nothing
Pressed ‘L’ it becomes active
Moved QC slider - nothing
Pressed ‘L’ it becomes active
Moved QC slider and modwheel - nothing

Don’t select volume before hitting L and moving wheel. Leave the slot blank, hit L, move the control and assign after.

Cant leave the slot blank, then hit L …cant assign after hitting L. Assignment must come first.

There is a manual q.v.
There is also a tutorial for V7 showing how this is done q.v.


Hi Jeff.

You’re not the only one finding the QCs counter intuitive.

The QC Learn mode in the Project window is only for specifying the target of the QCs (ie. activate Learn and move the desired control in the VSTi GUI). You have to specify the MIDI sources of the 8 QCs in the Devices->Device Setup->Remote Devices/Quick Controls (there’s a learn mode there, too.)
