More than 1 FD unit - Useful or confusing ?

I just purchased an ipad Air and both the Liine Lemur and V-control apps… Both are using the mackie Control script but the V-control is very nice when sitting behind the drums and trying to record to a project… Not having to lift my ass off the throne is really great. V-Window is VERY nice… to directly being able to delete tracks and do other stuff you’d normally have to sit behind the workstation to do… some fiddly bits though to be perfect but it’s working really nice.

I hope Steinberg will develop even better integration with these units though because i see so much potential here that they haven’t utilized to it’s fullest yet.

Hell… an Austrian friend of mine reverseengineered 2 of the units (CH and TP) and made them work with Reaper… in 2 weeks he managed to pull together a full - 100% userconfigurable - implementation in C++ that worked as good or even better than that in Cubase… not any GUI config but the functionality were astonishing… Too bad Reapers API and overall look/feel still has a lot to wish for