You OK Sherz?

Thanks for those links

The thrust of the Bible passage as I read it centers on the concurrence of the events listed, not necessarily the frequency.

The characterization of “more” disasters, including earthquakes, as well as “the last 25 years” was MY OWN, not the Bible’s, if you read it closely. We need to consider the other factors listed, too – war, famine, and epidemics. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you take ALL the factors listed together – war, threat of war (such as the prospect of nuclear war which still exists), famines, epidemics, AND earthquakes… it at least SEEMS like there has been a more pronounced simultaneity, compared to previous centuries.

I’d be interested to see a study that takes all the factors listed and measures whether or not there HAS been a greater concurrence of them, since it is purely an impression an not necessarily fact.