Fix corrupted .cpr file?

Yeah, I’m editing an audiobook and putting each chapter on a new track. After I finish a chapter, I bounce it and upload it for approval. My last backup was about 20 chapters ago.

So I have the bounces, but they’re processed, so if I have to do any re-recording, it’s going to get complex.

I’ll at least be able to throw the bounced version on a track and line up (not to the sample, that’d be nuts) the unedited track to it. That’s going to be a lot of work, but less than straight up re-doing it.

Also, there were a bunch of markers that I was using as notes- most of those were gone. I was able to throw the .cpr file into a text editor and find the notes. Even though the time doesn’t show, I at least put the chapter the marker was for. Getting the times together will be a drag, but at least I have the info.

It had crashed earlier in the day (which it had never done), but that was totally my fault. That crash didn’t affect the .cpr, but I wound up losing about an hour of work. Thinking that I should turn on the “auto-save” feature that I never use for some reason, I was re-editing and hit - to save it. I think it happened right when the auto save did it, because that’s when it crashed.

That would be the one that took out the .cpr.

The part that just straight up KILLS me is that the backup takes less than a minute, and right when I was starting to edit I thought “hey, I should back up… nah… this program has never crashed on me.”

Applied superstition…