[FR] Key Commands to activate mixer sections

EDIT: It occurred to me after writing the stuff below that I don’t know if the key commands are exclusive in addition to windows having to be made active. In other words - can one key have different functions depending on which window is active, or does it always have the same function but just doesn’t work when window isn’t active?

I can actually see the point in having to program a “activate window” macro by making “activate window” a key command-able function, believe it or not. For example:

Suppose we have one set of key commands active for Nuendo. Let’s also assume we’re working with dialog (or sound) editing and use left hand only for keyboard commands and right hand for track-balling. On my split ergonomic keyboard my left hand covers 29 keys, plus the modifiers ALT, CTRL and SHIFT. This may seem as a massive amount of combinations since you can combine the modifiers as well, but when you divide all of those over the entire software and consider the workflow of different tasks, i.e. dialog editing versus sound design versus mixing versus recording etc, it can actually be limiting.

In addition, when you set up key commands you can use a “logic” for the layout. So that you can map it according to what is easy to remember rather than where there are “available keys” if you know what I mean.

A concrete example would be mapping key commands to increase volume of selected clip when in the project window, but allowing that same keys to increase volume of fader when in the mixer.