Bounce Functions Changed since Nuendo 5.5

I still don’t understand why you need to bounce nothing but silence? All the examples listed (and the link to Cubase 6) except for spotting can be accomplished with the range tool as you are wanting to extend an existing audio event to include silence.

2.The way I and countless engineers use the pencil draw function in a music session is, lets say i have an intricate bit of edits made for an 8bar section. But the audio events dont start exactly on the downbeat on Bar 1. Now if i wanted to bounce/consolidate all these edits into a 8bar loop quickly. I would quickly option + draw an audio part with the pencil tool on either ends and bounce/consolidate the edits. Then i can quickly duplicate the bounced/consolidated 8bar loop for following song sections or fly em in at a different moment within the song.

Either group the audio events to a part (which snaps to the bar) or use the range tool and bounce selection if you want a new audio file.

3.Let us say you want to quickly reverse a region or audio event but you want to snap the end of the region to the end of a bar. One way you can do this is open the audio event in the editor and modify the event slice within the audio event so it snaps to end of the region.{SLOW way]

Use the range tool and bounce selection.