Has anybody tried N10.3 in Windows 7?

I came across another problem in 10.3, although not a show stopper:

  1. I exported 10 cycle markers, and it was ok, Time Line was set to minutes/seconds because it was an audio book.
  2. Loaded a different project and changed Time Line to beats per minute because it was a song.
  3. Load first project again, and after some minor editing, did another export of the 10 Cycle Markers.
    Now the exported events no longer align with the cycle markers. They were off by a large 10 seconds or more.
    The only difference was Beats per minute, instead of minutes/seconds in the Time Line.

I had to switch the Time Line back to minutes/seconds, reboot, and redo the exports one by one,
and the first Cycle Marker refused to convert to mp3 or to copy exported .wav back to the project.
To get that first Cycle Marker export, I had to to switch the export to “in between locators”- that worked fine.