Humanize Playback

I’m one to prefer the ability to simply randomize all my note start times and velocities with a small percentage. Then if I overwrite I can tweak if needed. But I prefer that to a constantly changing algorithm that will never be consistent and sometimes give more dramatically poor results. Once it sounds right, it should stay that way. One note too loud can ruin a scene (film).

And for me this is not just for percussion. If I copy and paste 4 bars of 16th notes for strings and want the pasted result to be unique, I don’t want to have to edit the pasted result note by note. I just want to click a button and get an instantly unique performance. Basically, the program should be as close to working with real human beings as possible. Real people aren’t robot that never vary. So while I want exact control, I don’t want to have to tell the program to do something I feel it should have already known to do in the first place.

I’m not sure if that’s terribly clear, but that’s how I view humanization.