Limitations of Dorico's microtonal implementation

Good to hear about the promising future developments (MIDI 2.0 and VST3)!
At present, though, my situation is this: most of the instruments I want to use in production use .tun, .scl, MTS etc. for tuning while the midi notes have no tuning data themselves. In Finale, I can write a score with microtonal notation that is correctly played back by those instruments, and I can export the MIDI file to a DAW. In Dorico, I must write a part in microtonal notation, and Dorico plays it back on a compatible instrument, plus I need to write another part where each pitch gets its own MIDI note (a “scordatura” part), for use with my instruments of choice and for exporting to a DAW. A lot of extra work.
(To clarify, let’s take 19EDO, for example. In it, the chromatic scale goes like this: C C# Db D D# Eb E… If I write in 19EDO in Finale, those notes would be, starting from C4, MIDI note# 60, 61, 62,…66, and the synth would be tuned to 19 notes per octave (C5 would be MIDI note #79). Whereas Dorico uses the MIDI notes 60, 61, 61, 62, 63, 63, 64, and adds tuning data - which is not transferred in the MIDI.)

I really would like to make the switch from Finale for good, so any kind of functionality or plug-in that would help to make the translation of the microtonally notated part to a scordatura part would be most welcome. In fact, it’s just transposition of each specific pitch by a specific interval, but it’s not possible to Filter / Select microtonal pitches. That would be great.

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