Expression Maps for VSL and Dorico 3.5

I don’t know how many are using the VSL Dimension Strings for the Synchronized Special Edition vol. 5. Unlike the average Expression Map which tends to have two actions to define a technique, this map not only has all techniques both con and senza sord but also combinations for all the available instrument combinations which is up to 8 for the violins. To put all of this including note length conditions into a map would be pretty time consuming if it were to be comprehensive (the official Sibelius version for instance doesn’t even try to support the player combinations), though if and when mass copy/paste becomes available for switches in the Expression Maps, the job would be much simpler. I’ve found in the meantime that it’s possible to support all the entries individually with the sole restriction that you cannot combine an instrument grouping (like divisi 1) together with an other playing technique in one instruction. If there’s a hidden “ord” straight after any “Player” switch then it seems to work OK but of course feedback is welcome in case anything is not as expected.

I’ve updated and greatly simplified these maps and the new versions can be founf further down the thread. Using add-on’s allows not only all the player combinations to be supported but also mute. There are therefore only 14 entries to exactly match the 14 available articulations (including imported trills for senza sord, otherwise there are only 12) for each instrument. The other ten entries are all add-ons. Some, like VSL themselves, add duplicate entries for things that may be in notation but are not supported by any individual keyswitch. If it’s not supported, it will simply be ignored by Dorico so I’m not sure of the point of this – perhaps it is a hangover from Sibelius or perhaps there are genuine reasons. If anyone knows of any, then I welcome being enlightened!
SE Dimension (10.1 KB)