Windows update messes up eLCC. !0.5 pro

After the latest windows update I was getting a message that the elicence is corrupt and to “contact your supplier” Thankfully this was fixed by right clicking the eLCC icon and selecting “run as administrator”. I don’t use cubase that often but it really is becoming frustrating with these little interruptions which take me a long time to overcome. It takes any sense of fun out of the experience.

AND - on a completely different thought! please Steinburg - buy out Virtual DJ so that you can include their technology for removing and/or isolating vocals from commercial tracks. Very impressive and simple to use. Its not perfect but its the best that I have come across until now.


Start eLCC as administrator, please. Trigger Maintenance. Then it should work again.

Hi Martin
Thanks. Yes its working now after using the “run as admininstrator”