"No Matching Overload found" Error in script?

There are couple of issues here.

The setParameter needs 2 arguments. Parameter name or id and value to be set.
Don’t use empty spaces in parameter names. It’s ok for long name. If you really insist on using parameter name with empty spaces you need to refer to it as: _G[“Hi Pass Filter Cutoff”]

You can also use parameter definition to “clone” the filter cutoff parameter. But this is just a suggestion.

hpDefinition = this.parent:getLayer("Main Layer"):getLayer("Synth 1"):getBus("Synth 1-Bus"):getEffect("Hi Pass"):getParameterDefinition(1)

function onHPFilterCutoffChanged()

    this.parent:getLayer("Main Layer"):getLayer("Synth 1"):getBus("Synth 1-Bus"):getEffect("Hi Pass"):setParameter(1, HiPassFilterCutoff)
    this.parent:getLayer("Main Layer"):getLayer("Synth 2"):getBus("Synth 2-Bus"):getEffect("Hi Pass"):setParameter(1, HiPassFilterCutoff)

    this.parent:getLayer("Main Layer"):getLayer("Synth 3"):getBus("Synth 3-Bus"):getEffect("Hi Pass"):setParameter(1, HiPassFilterCutoff)


defineParameter("HiPassFilterCutoff", "Hi Pass Filter Cutoff",  hpDefinition, onHPFilterCutoffChanged)