Routing: Sendeffect only on output 1/2. Output 3/4 no FX?, No group to group sends?

This is not an answer to my problem (I use hardware with multiple audioinputs/ouptputs (RME, ZOOM, FOCUSRITE…):


  1. No effects are possible on master tracks other than 1/2. This can’t be meant that way.
    (I really mean what I say: Only on output 1/2 in the mixer there are effects. Yes, I have these outputs, but there can’t be effects on them :frowning:. )
  2. My send reverb is only on output 1/2 I need it on output 3/4 also.
    When I use a reverb as send, it can only be heard on output 1/2. Yes, I have several outputs, but the reverb is only on 1/2. I want it on 3/4… also)
  3. tried with groups, but no group to group sends
  4. and no track- send to multiple groups
  5. and no track send to output AND group at the same time
  6. So sad, that sendeffects can not be seen and set in the mixer

    Please read what I wrote. I start doubting that anybody is really using this app. I thought such obvious things should be standard …