ritardando playback options

Gosh I’m flattered that you associate that with me - I cannot claim any credit for it though, I’m fairly sure it’s an idea I picked up from this forum. It’s almost certainly easier if the pause coincides with rests, but if you have notes held right to the end of the pause’s duration, I guess you could adjust the played duration of those notes in Play mode as well so they stop sounding a bit earlier than normal?

Basically what I do is input points in the Time track at the start and end of the ‘pause region’ first, then put another two just inside those two, then drag the inner two down to a tempo like 20bpm. You might want to be quite zoomed in width-ways with a small rhythmic grid resolution in order to have the smallest gaps possible between the points, especially if your pause is over a single quaver (eighth). Then through trial-and-improvement: playback, listen, adjust as required.